At South Tipperary Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic, myofascial trigger points are a commonly diagnosed, painful problem.
They are hypersensitive, tightened nodules found in muscle (myo) and fascia, a tissue which covers our bodies and is interwoven between, and over muscles.
They are diagnosed by the palpation of a localised taut band within a muscle which may twitch and refer pain elsewhere when pressure is applied.
- Pain
- Burning
- Tingling
- Weakness
All symptoms may be felt at the site of the trigger point and often referred to other areas such as trigger points in a neck muscle causing pain and tightness around the head.
At Clonmel Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic, our Chartered Physiotherapists are experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of myofascial trigger points. Through assessment, we can easily distinguish between trigger point pain and other pain arising from muscles, nerve and joints. Physiotherapy treatment of trigger points is extremely effective for reducing pain, but once again the main problem to solve is why they occur in the first place.
The main contributing factors for the development of trigger points include poor posture and biomechanics, which cause some muscles to become tight and overused and others weakened. Therefore assessment of work ergonomics and home activities, functional movement and control and muscle strength testing are important components we consider during treatment in order to prevent reoccurrence. Our Chartered Physiotherapists treat trigger points very effectively using
- Manual soft tissue pressure release
- Deep dry needling/ acupuncture
- Heat/ice
- Self management to include self release, specific stretching and strengthening.